Unite Rooms: Enhanced Video Conferencing

November 4, 2022

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The dynamic of work collaboration has many facets, so ensuring that all your employees can work together well matters. Hybrid frameworks involve both on-site and remote workers, and their ability to communicate and get tasks completed is either hurt or helped by technology. To bridge the gap between team members, we designed Unite Rooms to ensure an equitable experience for all.

Unite Rooms is the latest feature of our unified communication platform Intermedia Unite. In this post, you’ll learn what it is, how it works, its benefits, and more.

What Is Unite Rooms?

Unite Rooms extends the collaboration capabilities of Unite to any conference room. It delivers simplicity in meeting execution with a consistent and familiar user experience from desktop to conference room. It works with existing audio and video equipment and only requires a small computer and Android tablet, all of which are off-the-shelf.

Your users can seamlessly add native Unite video conferencing to any meeting room without additional hardware. You’ll use the existing components for audio and video as well.

What Are the Features of Unite Rooms?

Unite Rooms offers robust functionality for end users and IT managers, including:

  • Reserving a conference room with ease while simultaneously scheduling a video conference for both in-office and remote workers
  • Joining a scheduled meeting from a tablet in the conference room with one tap
  • Starting an ad hoc meeting in a conference room and inviting others on-site or remote
  • Calendar integrated (hosted exchange or Office 365)
  • Management of administrative rooms via the Control Panel
  • Co-hosting of meetings should the original host be running late
  • Integration with Microsoft Teams or Zoom rooms
  • Echo detection
  • Removal of attendees

How Unite Rooms Works

To use rooms, you’ll need:

  • Android tablet (1280×800 minimum screen resolution)
  • Wi-Fi
  • PC (not set to sleep or turn off)
  • Camera (1080p recommended)
  • TV display or projector/screen
  • Microphone
  • Speakers

To launch, it’s a three-step process:

  1. Book a meeting room via your calendar.
  2. Join or host from a conference room or remotely.
  3. Connect your laptop to a screen share, record the meeting, take shared notes, and annotate the screen.

That’s the kind of easy you and your staff need!

Why Unite Rooms Is a Necessary Tool in Today’s Environment

As companies acclimate to all the shifts in work, most are staying with hybrid. The future of the office is now at a turning point, not likely to retreat from the changes in the past years. Hybrid is here to stay. In fact, 42 percent of workers have a hybrid schedule. More people are choosing jobs and careers that are fully remote, which also allows companies to expand their hiring pool.

Importantly, employee behaviors and expectations changed. They want flexibility and autonomy. Many jobs don’t require a person to sit in an office to do them, but people from throughout a company still need to work together without challenges. That means meetings must be easy and deliver the same user experience for all attendees.

This is the aim of Unite Rooms, to simplify the activity and improve the connection. Unite Rooms brings people together, which is a boost for productivity and workflows. For any business that’s struggled with finding a video conferencing solution that meets their needs, Unite Rooms is here to do just that.

With accessible technology, your IT managers can benefit from providing a solution that doesn’t involve their administration. Additionally, they’ll appreciate that it works with the hardware you have, so you don’t need to purchase more.

So, what other benefits can you expect with Unite Rooms?

More Benefits of Unite Rooms

With Rooms, you can realize so many advantages for collaboration. It delivers an enhanced video conferencing solution that is equitable no matter where the attendee is, which includes all viewers to see shared content simultaneously.

Meeting functionality receives an upgrade, leveraging the easy and familiar Unite user interface. It virtually brings remote workers into the conference room experience instantly. Users can also share meeting controls by starting them on the organizer’s behalf, taking notes, recording the session, and chatting throughout the meeting.

Such features turn every meeting into an interactive opportunity with the capacity for up to 100 guests.

So, what meetings would benefit from Unite Rooms?

The Unite Rooms Use Cases

Unite Rooms works for any type of meeting. Here are a few examples.

Marketing: Working Together on Ad Campaigns

Ad campaigns have many components, requiring the collaboration of several roles. If employees are on a hybrid schedule, they’ll need to work together virtually. Unite Rooms enables the team to share screens in real time to wrap up the campaign.

Product Development: Getting a Roadmap Ready

Product managers and others must work on product roadmaps for every quarter. They likely aren’t all in the same place, so Unite Rooms brings them to one where they can go through the roadmap on the screen with annotations for a true working session that ends with completed tasks.

Unite Rooms Is the Ideal Solution for the Modern Workforce

With Unite Rooms, you can now provide your employees with the best video conference experience. It’s easy to use, works with the same interface as Unite, and doesn’t require any additional hardware.

Learn more about this new feature today.

Mariel Santos

Mariel Santos is the Director of Marketing Communications at Intermedia

November 4, 2022

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