Are Cloud Communications Right for Your Small Business?

February 3, 2022

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Every small business must maximize resources to grow and thrive. Technology is often an avenue to do just that. By leveraging platforms that enable more seamless productivity and efficiency, businesses that are small can still be mighty. One such solution is cloud communications for small businesses.

If you’re considering ways to simplify communication and collaboration, moving to the cloud can be a smart choice. Here’s why.

Communicate Quickly Internally and Externally

Everything tends to move fast for small businesses. The ability to respond in the timeliest manner matters both internally and externally. Regardless of where your employees are, they need access to tools that make communication easy.

A cloud communications solution offers this advantage in several ways. First, there’s the cloud-based phone system. Your users can make and answer calls from wherever, including in the office and on the go. With an app on a mobile device or from a desktop to traditional PBX phones, calls don’t go unheard. Your staff can stay connected with customers.

Second, team chat is a quick conversation method. If your people need expedient answers, they can reach out by chat. With the presence indicator, users can also know who’s available to provide help. As a result, they can keep moving on a project without lag time.

These benefits aren’t available with on-premises solutions that tie users to a location. If being responsive and boosting productivity across the company are important, then cloud communications are the best option.

Reduce Costs with an All-in-One Solution

Small businesses strive to operate lean. Any cost reduction that doesn’t impact operations should be a consideration. If you’re using on-premises legacy phones or have a hodgepodge of applications, you’re likely paying too much.

The beauty of cloud communications is that all the tools are in one platform. That includes voice, chat, video conferencing, and file sharing. You have one provider and one invoice. The cost savings tend to be the biggest motivator to cloud adoption. However, saving money doesn’t dilute the quality or reliability of a system.

If you’re moving from on-site solutions, you’ll decrease your IT expenditures substantially. You’ll no longer need servers and other hardware nor the maintenance of it.

Collaborate with Ease

Now that the world works from wherever, whether totally remote or in a hybrid model, collaboration is still critical. Being in the same physical space is no longer mandatory to work cohesively.

Cloud communications are an essential piece of the puzzle to empowering your team. Video conferencing that’s easy to deploy ensures team members can meet screen to screen. They can screen share and annotate when working on complex projects.

File sharing and editing within the platform also enable your staff to work on a document at the same time. There’s no back-and-forth via email with multiple versions. The document and all the changes stay in one spot, accessible to all that need it.

Deploy Solutions Rapidly and Drive Adoption

Implementing new technology can be a headache. You often must prep networks, develop migration plans, and invest in resources. Cloud communications can be more straightforward in deployment.

When you have a reliable partner that onboards effectively, your lift is not so heavy. With deployment easy and efficient, you can begin using it right away. Minimal training is necessary, which contributes to fast adoption. A solution with a great user experience also means that your team will welcome its capabilities.

Secure Your Data and Documents in the Cloud

Security is always a question when considering software options. With the right cloud communications system, you can be confident that your data and documents stay safe. Your provider carries this responsibility and should at a minimum include:

  • Physically monitored data centers
  • Multilayered security controls for authentication and firewall configuration
  • Constant monitoring to detect security threats
  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection
  • Data encryption to protect sensitive information and call data

With cybersecurity risks increasing and small businesses often a target, security must be top of mind. You can alleviate some of the pressure on your internal team by working with a cloud communications partner that’s security-first.

Be Confident in Reliability

Cloud communications for small businesses must be reliable. No matter how many bells and whistles the platform has, nothing matters if it doesn’t work. Dropped calls, unexpected downtime, and inconsistent user experiences aren’t conducive for business.

Reliability is typically never a problem with cloud communications from a gold standard partner. Such platforms have industry-leading uptime and provide top-tier support should anything happen.

Additionally, redundancy is part of the package, so you won’t lose data. Further, you would still be able to use your communication and collaboration tools even in a natural disaster, as they’re all available on mobile devices.

If you’re currently dealing with reliability issues, migrating to the cloud with the right partner can eliminate these issues, ensuring you have communication tools that are always accessible.

Small Business Cloud Communications Elevate Operations

Choosing cloud communications for your small business delivers so many benefits. It’s secure, reliable, accessible, and cost-effective. It’s an excellent business decision that prepares you for today and the future. Learn more about cloud communications for small businesses by viewing our platform Intermedia Unite today. Explore its features and why it’s a great fit for any small business.

The Intermedia Team

Intermedia helps businesses of all sizes connect better – through voice, video conferencing, chat, contact center, business email and productivity, file sharing and backup, security, archiving, and more – from wherever, whenever. And, as a partner-first company, Intermedia goes to work for our channel partners to help them grow their revenue and maximize their success.

February 3, 2022

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