Create a Complete Communications Solution

October 28, 2020

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About 275.66 million Americans own smartphones – this is more than a 78 percent increase over the last decade. With this increased access to smartphones, customers want to communicate with your business through their preferred channels. This calls for a complete communications solution.

A complete communications solution for your business integrates customer and employee communications through a cloud-based contact center.  This communication solution unites multiple communication platforms — such as instant messaging and video conferencing — for seamless interaction within your business enterprise. As a result, you can meet your customer service needs and attain a competitive advantage over other business owners.

If your business has yet to adopt a complete communications solution, it should be top on your to-do list.

6 Reasons You Should Create a Complete Communications Solution for Your Business

Here’s what your business may be missing out on if you don’t have a complete communications solution:

1. Builds Brand Awareness

A complete communications solution blends various communication tools like advertising, public relations, direct marketing, etc. Creating this communications solution allows your business to have direct interaction with customers. Whether your customers use SMS, email, or webchat, your team can interact with each of them individually and fulfill their personalized needs.

This will help develop trust among your customers and prompt them to recommend your business to other people. Since 84 percent of consumers trust referrals from people they know, your business is set to grow tremendously with a complete communications solution.

2. Ease of Use

Having an integrated unified communication ensures that your customer data — such as purchase history and location — is organized in a unified system. It allows employees to access customer information easily, analyze consumer behavior, and deliver a personalized experience.

Additionally, by integrating communications solutions, every employee in your business has access to data-directed routing. This allows your team to efficiently manage consumers across multiple digital channels and link them with the right person to cater to their needs.

3. Mobile and Secure Communication

Over 34 percent of American workers are working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With a complete communications solution, your business can still run no matter the location of your employees. It provides an integrated platform that connects your teams’ digital devices. This allows them to communicate with customers, whether they’re in the office or not.

Since complete communications solutions are cloud-based, all your business data can be stored off-site. What’s more, communication can be done through an encrypted internet connection to secure customer data. It can also put restrictions that allow only a few people to access sensitive information.

4. Improved Customer Experience

When your business has multiple contact options that aren’t integrated, it may cause customer misinformation and confusion. With 52 percent of consumers making an additional purchase from a business with great customer service, you don’t want to miss out on these sales due to a poor communication system.  

That’s why your business needs to invest in an integrated, complete communications solution. This communication system allows your employees to respond to customers via their preferred channel and offer a customized experience. Additionally, you can access all your customers’ previous interactions across all digital channels and learn their purchase behavior for improved services.

5. Saves Time and Money

As a business owner, you need to market your services for brand awareness. However, it can be time-consuming to pick one digital channel that’ll effectively reach your customer base. A complete communications solution ensures you integrate all your digital options to connect easily with all your different consumers. It ensures they get the right information through the right channel at the right time.

Additionally, this system allows you to harmonize all digital communication channels — emails, audio, and video calls — on the same platform and with one access point. This helps reduce costs spent on buying extra communication devices for every employee.

6. Increased Productivity

A complete communications channel provides your business with fluid scalability. Through a cloud-based solution, your business can keep up with the technological changes by simply changing the communication options within hours or minutes to meet the customer’s needs. It also allows you to add new features of communication like webchat to enhance service delivery and improve sales.

Moreover, a complete communications solution ensures you get personalized communication options for your business.

Create a Complete Communications Solution for Your Business with Intermedia

The business world is ever-competitive and cutthroat that surviving it with a disorganized system is near impossible. A complete communications solution makes access to data easy and brings clarity between your customer-employee relations, setting up your business for growth.

At Intermedia Cloud Communications, we’re a reputable UCaaS, CCaaS, and cloud business applications provider dedicated to creating a unified communications system that’ll improve customer satisfaction and set you apart from your competitors.

Contact us at 888-219-3038 to learn more about our services. Our support is available 24/7.

Kirsten Barta

Kirsten Barta is Sr Marketing Communications Manager at Intermedia

October 28, 2020

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