How Video Conferencing Boosts Productivity

January 11, 2021

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In 2020, many companies had to let their employees work from home for the first time. Others increased remote work or switched to a fully WFH model for at least part of the pandemic. There’s no question, 2020 was a year to test everyone’s resilience. One silver lining of this era of disruption is that businesses have been forced to try new tools – and in the process, they’ve uncovered the immense potential today’s technology offers. The biggest game-changer on many organization’s pandemic survival stack: video conferencing software.

Virtual meetings enable teams to work from wherever, removing traditional productivity barriers. They also empower employees to accomplish more by streamlining communications and collaboration. If you’re looking for ways to put your organization on the path to greater productivity in 2021, video conferencing should be at the top of your list. Here’s why.

No Need to Devote Work Hours for Travel

Whether employees are traveling to meet with clients or commuting to the office just to meet with co-workers, time spent in transit is time they could spend on getting things done. With video conferencing software, travel time drops to zero. With features such as screen sharing, HD video, and screen annotation, it’s possible to re-create effective face-to-face interactions without being in the same location. This can translate to hours every week devoted to working on projects and accomplishing tasks.

The Flexibility Technology Offers Opens Up Space for Creativity and Innovation

Another advantage of using this technology is that workers have more space to think, come up with ideas, and innovate. With a video conferencing solution that’s mobile-friendly, employees aren’t tied to their office desk. They can work from home, change their environment, or even meet up for a virtual collaboration session outdoors. Wherever people need to be to unlock their creative potential is where employers should want their employees to be. Technology makes this possible without slowing productivity.

Video Conferencing Enables Deep Work

For employees who need quiet and minimal distraction to work effectively, the typical bustling office environment can inhibit productivity. Timothy Golden, one of the researchers in a survey on telecommuting published in the Journal of Business and Psychology, explains, “Employees whose jobs require concentration or significant problem-solving often need focused time to think deeply about the task at hand. In a shared office full of potential interruptions, that can be hard to do.”

With video conferencing tools, these employees have the flexibility to create a distraction-free environment at home to engage in deep work, yet still connect with co-workers when necessary at the touch of a button.

Technology Can Reduce the Risk of Burnout

Nothing kills productivity like burnout. Feeling overburdened and trapped at work can lead to high levels of workplace stress and low morale. According to the 2020 Global Culture Report, companies with moderate to severe burnout see 22 percent less work output than those without.

With video conferencing tools, employees can be productive outside of the typical nine to five workday. This allows them to have more autonomy over how they spend their time and more freedom to balance their personal life and workload. Greater work-life balance is key to preventing burnout and keeping productivity levels high.

Video Conferencing Boosts Engagement for Remote Teams

One of the challenges of the pandemic has been employee engagement. Because COVID-19 spread so quickly, employers had to make a fast pivot to a WFH model, making sure employees could stay productive and stay safe. Without the right tools in place, adjusting to remote work isn’t easy for anyone. If your employees are accustomed to being in a workplace surrounded by co-workers and physical interaction, they need someone to help them stay on task and support them when they run into challenges.

When workers are remote, video conferencing is a must-have tool for engagement. Daily check-ins, weekly task meetings, and virtual collaboration with high-quality video are all simple with the right technology. Co-workers can hold brainstorming sessions, one-on-one conversations, training, and more – all through their laptop or another device.

Productivity didn’t have to stop during the pandemic. In fact, it never had to slow down. Video conferencing tools allow teams to communicate and collaborate face-to-face, just as they did in the office.

Video Conferencing Will Continue Playing a Key Role in Maintaining Productivity Moving Forward

In 2021 and beyond, businesses will be operating in a new normal. There’s no running back to the pre-COVID world. More companies will use remote work because of the productivity and cost-savings benefits, and many will offer employees the freedom to choose when and where they work.

Video conferencing software will be at the center of this. Is your company using a robust solution with the features that enable employees to stay productive from wherever? Intermedia AnyMeeting was designed with productivity and engagement in mind. Find out about the features and benefits – and discover how much your company can do with the right tools.

Kirsten Barta

Kirsten Barta is Sr Marketing Communications Manager at Intermedia

January 11, 2021

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