Supporting UCaaS Partners’ Customer Experience

October 13, 2021

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Serving our UCaaS (Unified Communications as a Service) partners is core to our culture and values. When we partner with providers, it’s not transactional. Our philosophy is to support our UCaaS partners so they can deliver high-quality products to the customer, and that includes improving the customer experience.

We’ve found that setting up partners for success, letting them own the relationship, and delivering a reliable product are all vital in the customer experience.

Find out how and why we build relationships with partners to ensure their success.

Some Partnership Models Fracture the Customer Experience

You’ve worked hard to gain the business and trust of your customers. When you decide to offer a new UCaaS product, the relationship dynamic doesn’t have to change. Unfortunately, many UCaaS platforms cut you out of this. They take over the communication and day-to-day, simply paying you a commission fee.

If this occurs, the customer experience will likely suffer. Even if the provider has a good product and service, that doesn’t always translate. Your customers are familiar with you and rely on you. It will be difficult for them to get the same attention they’ve come to expect.

Such a change could cause churn, and you may lose their confidence.

You Own the Relationship When Partnering with Intermedia

We don’t think a lot of partnership models benefit the end-user or you as their provider. We work with you as a team to ensure your customers have meaningful and positive experiences.

You can private label our UCaaS offering or co-brand, but the relationship remains yours. That means you are responsible for billing, bundling, support, and everything else. If support needs exceed your expertise or bandwidth, we are glad to step in and assist.

All the goodwill earned stays intact. Additionally, you can continue to leverage your local reputation to win more business now that you have a cloud-based, integrated communications platform to deliver.

Customer Experiences Start with the Sale

To ensure the best customer experience at the sales table, your team has to be ready and knowledgeable. We believe this is critical for success. That’s why we have an onboarding program. It’s a set of proven steps that prepare your team to sell the product and be fully aware of its functionality.

Further, we want your staff to use the product and learn about it hands-on before going to market. With demos and our on-demand training courses, your people will be knowledgeable and ready to provide an excellent experience supporting customers.

Additionally, we set you up with dedicated partner resources and materials to help you close the deal.

Stay High-Touch When Your Customers Need You

What’s the biggest failure in customer experiences? Providers not being responsive. It can erode trust, and in the case of UCaaS, it could hinder their ability to conduct business. That’s never a feeling you want your customers to have.

However, it can happen in reseller models that either take support away from you or simply leave you on your own. Here’s how we do things differently.

You’ll have access to our technical support team once you have customers on the platform. You can be responsive to them immediately. Your technical team has already been through training, but we don’t leave you on your own. Our support staff will back you up 24-7.

Reliability Is on Your Side, Too

Beyond failing at support, customer experiences also tank when the product isn’t reliable. However, that won’t be a problem with our solution. We are proud to say that our reliability is industry-leading, with an uptime of 99.999%. That equates to only 5.26 minutes of downtime annually.

When communication products have this level of reliability and exceptional call quality, your customers’ user experience will be positive. Their reliance on you as a dependable provider won’t fade.

Partner Concierge and All Access Support You Every Step of the Way

Another aspect of our partnerships is the Partner Concierge. You’ll be able to lean on this group of experts for anything you need that can help improve the customer experience.

Intermedia All Access is one more way we assist our partners. It’s a central spot for information that can guide your growth, including incentives, rewards, and metrics. We make it easy to tap into the resources you need when interacting with customers.

Confidence in Security Is Essential for Fruitful Experiences

Every business using technology tools has concerns about security. If you work with those in regulated industries, then this is an even bigger priority. The security of the platform you recommend to them and its ability to meet those needs is critical to the experience.

Building and maintaining secure, compliant procedures are a core principle for us. Our commitment to security is apparent in our certifications and protocols. When talking to your customers about this, you can cite information from the resources we provide. You’ll also learn about this in training so that you can speak about it with assurance.

A security incident can cause a breach of trust. We’re proactively monitoring our infrastructure to prevent this. When you talk to customers about cybersecurity efforts, you can explain how robust they are in specifics, not just abstract ideas.

We’re a Partner, Not a Just a Provider

One thing that’s very clear is that the relationships we build are partnerships. We’ve cultivated this because we know it works best for all parties. Our partner, ATS Communications, recently shared their experience with adopting UCaaS and why the partner aspect was so important to their ability to serve their customers. Stories like these are why we developed the model as we did.

Our UCaaS Partners Win at Experiences

We’re so glad to partner with local and regional providers, delivering a platform and a framework for success. Learn more about how our reseller partnerships work today.

Kirsten Barta

Kirsten Barta is Sr Marketing Communications Manager at Intermedia

October 13, 2021

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