Why VoIP Solutions Work Best for Remote Teams

December 12, 2019

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In the modern world, flexibility has become a significant element in how employees work. Technology provides workers with the ability to do their jobs from anywhere. A survey from the International Workplace Group (IWG) found that 70% of employees work at least one day of the week remotely. Remote working has certainly changed workplace dynamics, including those related to communications. Many organizations have found that VoIP solutions work best for remote teams.

Why Telecommuting Is Surging

The ability to work remotely may be more important to employees than how much they get paid. A survey of job candidates found that 40% consider schedule flexibility a top factor when making a career decision.

In addition to what employees want, organizations see the advantages as well. Remote workers reduce the space they need and the overhead for it. Companies also can choose from a wider pool of applicants if they don’t all have to be based in one city.

Delivering on flexibility can be a means to retain employees because they feel as though they have a better work-life balance. Telecommuting may also result in fewer sick days as sick workers won’t come into the office and spread their illness.

Businesses are looking to technology to ensure remote teams have the tools they need. And the most urgent of those is a communications system that’s consistent, easy to use, and budget-friendly.

VoIP Is a Must-Have Tool for Remote Workers

No matter where your employees are, they need access to a reliable way to communicate. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a must-have communication tool for these workers. Instead of traditional analog channels, VoIP uses the internet to transmit data.

Beyond just voice calls, a VoIP communication and collaboration platform can be used for video conferencing, chat, file sharing and archiving and more. It has the power to make telecommuting viable, allowing your employees to connect in real-time with each other and customers. They can instantly engage video calls, which can help remote teams work together more seamlessly without physically being together.

Further, they can truly collaborate on projects by instantly sharing files and enabling multiple users to edit and comment. It’s the same type of exercise that previously could only be done around a conference table. Now, this flexibility provides your team with a way to work more efficiently and effectively.

It’s also extremely affordable. Much more so than legacy phone systems, which require equipment and hardware. VoIP utilizes the cloud, eliminating the cost related to hardware installation, management, and upgrades.

More Benefits of VoIP for Remote Workers

Working on the Go

VoIP allows workers to work on the go, which is especially attractive for those in positions such as sales as they travel much of the time. With VoIP, they have access to communication tools just as they would at home or the office.

VoIP systems can integrate with smartphones so that individuals can stay connected to incoming phone calls, new tasks, and more.

Central Hub for Information

One of the biggest hurdles in a remote workforce is defining central hubs for information. Organizing documents and data on a VoIP platform offers employees the ability to do this. With accessibility and one source of truth, there’s not a constant back and forth via email, where documents are edited individually. With a central hub, you won’t miss any edits or comments and you’ll experience more seamless workflows.

Improved Productivity

VoIP platforms are designed to help workers get more done faster. VoIP allows instant communication, so your staff can get feedback and make decisions sooner. There’s also the time factor. If an employee has the ability to work from home a few days a week, they cut out the commute. They have more time to focus on projects without distractions.

Better Reliability

With VoIP, you’ll have much better communication quality and reliability. Because it works on the cloud, it’s not in danger of being out of commission because of hardware failures. Plus, most VoIP providers have strong uptime percentages and can reroute calls in the event of an outage.

Enhanced Security

VoIP is a secure way to communicate and share data. The data remains private and secure in a SOC 2-audited cloud. The system is always updated to the latest version, hindering the ability for cyber-attacks. Because your employees will be using VoIP over a VPN, you can ensure that everything stays within your protected environment rather than worrying about whether an internet source is a secured network.

Empowering remote workers with VoIP is a win-win for all parties. See why VoIP solutions work best for remote teams by learning more about Intermedia Unite.

The Intermedia Team

Intermedia helps businesses of all sizes connect better – through voice, video conferencing, chat, contact center, business email and productivity, file sharing and backup, security, archiving, and more – from wherever, whenever. And, as a partner-first company, Intermedia goes to work for our channel partners to help them grow their revenue and maximize their success.

December 12, 2019

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