Interaction Analytics to Propel Your Business

September 7, 2022

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To delight and retain customers, organizations realize the importance of their experiences and interactions. With the power of data captured in these moments, you have a better understanding of how customers think and feel about your brand, customer service, products, and more. By incorporating the voice of the customer, you can pivot to meet their needs and improve products and experience. All this is possible with Intermedia Interaction Analytics™.

This new feature is now available with Intermedia Intelligent Contact Center™. This functionality allows you to uncover, analyze, and act on meaningful insights to enhance multiple areas of your company.

Keep reading to learn how it works and why it’s critical for modern businesses.

Interaction Analytics: Points of Contact

When seeking to intertwine the voice of the customer, Interaction Analytics provides insights into:

  • Voice conversations: Your agents may be involved in hundreds to thousands of these each day.
  • Inbound conversations: These customer interactions represent incoming monitored queries from new and existing customers.
  • Outbound conversations: These represent outgoing cold calls to potential or existing customers. This bucket would also include collecting market research and conducting surveys.

Collecting this type of data can be challenging. You may have disparate systems at work, or the sheer volume makes it cost-prohibitive.

The process is also time-consuming and often manual and tedious. You don’t have the bandwidth for listening to hours and hours of conversations. On average, a contact center agent takes up to 50 calls a day, and agents resolve only a percentage of those in the first call.

Without parameters and technology, you’ll be guessing about experiences versus actually understanding them. You also don’t have the option to read all conversation transcripts, and scanning them may not reveal the most critical aspects. Further, there’s no sentiment analysis, so the tone and word choice aren’t measured as negative, positive, or neutral.

Interaction Analytics harnesses the power of artificial intelligence (AI) for conversation analysis. The feature uses AI that is scalable for a business of any size. With this in place, your supervisors don’t need to randomly spot-check calls in the hope of finding some hidden nuggets of wisdom.

Instead, you’ll be able to prioritize your resources and time with automatically generated sentiments based on keywords and phrases. It will identify specific calls that could be eye-openers regarding hidden issues, common complaints, and blueprints of outstanding customer service.

How Interaction Analytics Helps You Understand and Shape Customer Experiences

You generate and have access to so much data that can bring clarity to and shape future customer experiences. Here are the ways that Interaction Analytics helps you do this.

  • Find the right calls to tune into: Supervisors can remove picking conversations randomly to analyze. They’ll know which ones to focus on that can deliver the most meaningful insights based on sentiment evaluations of key phrases.
  • Receive game-changing intelligence faster: Understand what customers said about experiences and how they felt during those in their own words. From this, you can proactively act on trends and patterns to meet customer demands and expectations.
  • Deliver better customer service: Leverage all the findings from inbound and outbound voice interactions to upskill, coach, and train your frontline agents, which should boost customer loyalty and satisfaction.

With these three opportunities, your company can reimagine the customer experience. The more you know your customers, the better you can support them. They’ll also be more likely to stay with you even if something goes awry.

How Interaction Analytics Works

There are four components to Interaction Analytics and how it works within contact center software.

  • Collect: Your administrator will assign and enable call queues for transcription and analysis.
  • Transcribe: Speech-to-text writes out the full conversation, including voicemails.
  • Analyze: AI evaluates your transcriptions, then determines whether the sentiment of the conversation was positive, negative, or neutral, and tags it as such.
  • Search: Users can search and review conversations with robust filters by sentiment, keywords and phrases, agents, and more.

Injecting your contact center data with AI is a smart choice for driving toward efficiency. In fact, 61 percent of workers said that AI adoption led to a boost in productivity. This use of AI will get employees away from transactional tasks to ones of more value.

So, how can you use this tool across the enterprise?

Using Interaction Analytics

There are three main categories that Interaction Analytics can impact and deliver ROI (return on investment).


A customer support manager can input key phrases like “cancel.” If the technology finds that term, users can establish rules to assign the recorded call to a manager. That assignee can then review the conversation to assess how the agent handled it and provide feedback through the evaluator tool.

Managers can also quickly go through negative sentiment interactions to identify areas of service that agents can improve upon.


A sales manager will also find the tool beneficial. They can scan for when competitor names come up in conversations and evaluate how the salesperson responds. Managers can also review calls sentiment in calls:

  • Positive sentiment: Share those with all salespeople as best practices.
  • Negative sentiment: Review these for coaching moments.
  • Neutral sentiment: Identify moments where small adjustments could turn the tide to positive.


Product teams can derive much value from these analytics, mining the data for product-related words or terms like “broken,” “missing,” or “malfunction.” Those conversations can help them address weaknesses or failures in the product. It may also provide ideas for improvements or changes.

Improve Customer Experiences with Interactive Analytics

This exciting new feature takes contact center software to the next level. Make sure your interaction data is providing you with actionable insights with Interactive Analytics. Learn more about the functionality today.

Rob Oscanyan

Robert Oscanyan is a Senior Director of Product Marketing at Intermedia, where he focuses on helping businesses improve their customer experience using Intermedia's award-winning cloud communications solutions. Rob has over a decade of experience spanning market research, messaging, and elevating the voice of the customer. In his free time, he constantly creating new adventures with his wife, seven kids, and a small army of pets.

September 7, 2022

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