Key Benefits of Selling Cloud-Based Business Phone Systems: Unlocking New Opportunities for MSPs and VARs

May 31, 2023

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In today’s fast-paced and digitally-driven business landscape, staying connected and facilitating effective communication is crucial for success. Managed service providers (MSPs) and value-added resellers (VARs) play a pivotal role in helping businesses embrace innovative technologies. One such technology that presents significant opportunities for MSPs and VARs is cloud-based business phone systems. In this article, we will explore the key benefits of offering cloud-based phone systems as part of an MSP or VAR portfolio, including scalability, cost savings, flexibility, the integration of additional features like video conferencing, chat, and contact center solutions, and the recurring revenue model.

Scalability and VoIP Capabilities:

Cloud-based business phone systems leverage Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology, which enables voice calls to be transmitted over the internet rather than traditional telephone lines. VoIP offers numerous advantages, including cost savings, improved call quality, and scalability. MSPs and VARs can leverage the scalability of cloud-based VoIP systems to easily accommodate clients’ changing needs. Whether clients require additional phone lines, extensions, or features, cloud-based phone systems can seamlessly scale up or down, ensuring businesses have the communication capabilities to support their growth.


The modern business landscape demands flexibility and agility. Cloud-based business phone systems empower organizations to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. With features like mobile apps, softphones, and virtual extensions, employees can stay connected and productive from anywhere, facilitating remote work, distributed teams, and on-the-go collaboration. This flexibility not only enhances workforce efficiency but also contributes to improved customer service by ensuring uninterrupted availability. MSPs and VARs can showcase the flexibility of cloud-based phone systems as a competitive advantage, addressing the dynamic needs of businesses across various industries.

Integration of Additional Features:

Cloud-based phone systems often come integrated with a suite of additional features that go beyond traditional telephony. Alongside voice calls, these systems offer functionalities like video conferencing, chat, and contact center solutions. Video conferencing enables face-to-face virtual meetings, enhancing collaboration and reducing the need for travel. Chat features facilitate instant messaging and quick communication between team members. Contact center capabilities enable businesses to streamline customer interactions, ensuring efficient call routing, comprehensive call analytics, and enhanced customer service. By offering these integrated features, MSPs and VARs can provide comprehensive communication solutions that meet the diverse needs of their clients.

Cost Savings:

Cost savings represent a compelling incentive for businesses of all sizes. By offering cloud-based phone systems, MSPs and VARs can provide their clients with a cost-effective alternative to traditional phone systems. Cloud-based solutions eliminate the need for expensive hardware investments, maintenance, and ongoing upgrades. Additionally, businesses can save on operational costs as the cloud-based model typically involves predictable monthly subscriptions rather than unpredictable and often costly usage-based billing. The ability to bundle services and offer unified billing further simplifies financial management for clients, making cloud-based phone systems an attractive proposition.

Recurring Revenue Model and its Attractiveness:

One of the most appealing aspects of selling cloud-based business phone systems for MSPs and VARs is the recurring revenue model. By offering cloud-based solutions, MSPs and VARs can establish long-term relationships with their clients, providing ongoing services and support. Monthly subscriptions and usage-based billing create a predictable revenue stream, fostering financial stability and growth. As businesses increasingly adopt cloud-based communication solutions, the recurring revenue model offers a sustainable and lucrative business model for MSPs and VARs, ensuring continuous value delivery and customer satisfaction.

Embracing cloud-based business phone systems, powered by VoIP technology and integrated with additional features like video conferencing, chat, and contact center solutions, offers immense benefits for MSPs and VARs. Scalability, cost savings, flexibility, and the potential for recurring revenue make cloud-based phone systems an attractive proposition. By including these solutions in their service portfolios, MSPs and VARs can unlock new opportunities, differentiate themselves in the market, and provide their clients with a modern, reliable, and comprehensive communication infrastructure. To learn more about the benefits of offering cloud-based phone systems in your product portfolio and the lucrative partnership opportunities that Intermedia provides to IT solution providers, visit

Rob Gold

May 31, 2023

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