The 1-2-3 Guide to White-Label Cloud Services

January 5, 2023

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What can white-label cloud services do for your business? White-label phone and unified communication services allow you to offer your clients robust solutions from a top-tier provider under your own branding.

This allows you to maintain the customer relationship without having to build and support the communications platform. Your clients get the cloud services they require without having to work with a third party.

Key takeaways:

  • White-label products carry the branding of the seller’s company but originate with another entity.
  • White-label services allow you to provide your clients with excellent IT solutions that you don’t have to build or maintain yourself.
  • There are several hybrid options for taking advantage of the white-label model, including co-branding.
  • The white-label model is cost-effective and beneficial to both your business and your clients.

Most businesses use and benefit from cloud services. If you’re not familiar with the many cloud-based programs available, read on to learn more.

 How Do White-Label Cloud Services Work?

White-label services are much like other white-label products. Under this sales model, one company produces the product or service, which is then distributed under the brand of another, or more commonly, many other companies. 

As a reseller or marketer, you don’t have the responsibility of creating and maintaining anything. Instead, you purchase the item or service from the manufacturer and sell it with your label and your branding. In the case of cloud services, the product is generally a license for using software and data hosting.

When you sell a service, such as Software as a Service or Unified Communications as a Service, the product isn’t a one-time purchase, but an ongoing agreement between your client and the company building, maintaining, and hosting the software and other cloud-hosted solutions.

How Do You Choose the Right White-Label Cloud Services?

Every company that offers white-label services provides something different. At the core are the quality and value of the product for sale. If the product is inferior, your customers will suffer and so will the relationship you’ve worked so hard to build. 

Aside from the actual product, you will need to consider the ongoing relationship with the provider, as well as your long-term commitment to your clients. There are various ways to sell white-label IT solutions. Choose the company and the method that reflects your business and your customer service standards.

For example, some providers allow you to resell their product as a partner using their branding or to label the products with your own private branding. Either way, you represent the product to your customers. Choose a provider with a reliable product and a reputation for excellent customer service.

What Are the Benefits of Reselling White-Label Cloud Services?

There are many benefits to the white-label model. One company focuses on building and maintaining the product, in this case, software, communications, and security platforms. The selling company is then free to put its energy and time into other aspects of its business. 

You might, for example, be excellent at marketing and customer service. Maybe your strength is guiding the development of an office or a work team or perhaps creating sales funnels to drive new leads. 

Regardless of what your business does, your clients will benefit from top-tier cloud-based programs. At the same time, you will almost certainly benefit from being able to provide those solutions without having to build them or piece them together yourself. 

If your clients can acquire the white label cloud solutions they need from you, their trusted advisor or consultant, versus trying to choose services on their own, several powerful shifts take place:

  • You become even more valuable to your clients.
  • You can help them choose the right services because you are familiar with both the client’s business and the cloud services available.
  • You build a lasting relationship with the client that will evolve over time.

 What Is the Difference Between White-Label and Private Label?

Multiple resellers can distribute white-label products, while private-label products are specifically produced for one seller or brand. Both allow the retailer to sell a product made by another company with the seller’s branding. 

With cloud services, there is the option to put together custom bundles for your clients and sell them with your branding. Some companies refer to these products as private-label products. Like white-label cloud products, they are not produced directly for one reseller but packaged according to the seller’s custom selections.

Mariel Santos

Mariel Santos is the Director of Marketing Communications at Intermedia

January 5, 2023

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