The Pros and Cons of Using a Cloud-Based Contact Center Solution

January 10, 2022

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Delivering a positive customer experience is a priority for every company. That means you need the right people, processes, and technology. At the center of helping you run such an operation is contact center software. There are many on the market with various features and deployment options. Cloud contact center solutions have both pros and cons, and we’ll provide you with insight so you can make the best decision for your business.

The Cloud vs. On-Premises

First, let’s look at the key differences between the cloud and the on-premises.

  • Cloud-based contact center software: The cloud hosts your application, relying on the internet to connect you to the solution and your data. Your provider sets it up and maintains it. You can access voice and all other tools from any device with an app. Users only need a secure internet connection and login.
  • On-premises: The contact center software is only available within a specific space. The hardware, software, and infrastructure all live in your place of business. Your IT team is responsible for installation, maintenance, and upkeep.

The Pros of the Cloud

The list of pros for cloud contact center solutions is long. You’ll appreciate all these features that drive significant benefits for your company and users.

Easy Setup

When using the cloud, deploying the solution is simple and fast. Your provider already has the infrastructure ready. It typically only requires the installing of the app, and it’s ready to go. You’ll receive onboarding and training, so your team can adopt it quickly.

Little Upfront Investment

Because you aren’t responsible for any hardware, the initial cost is just for the software and the number of users. In certain situations, you can keep your existing phones, but users can also log in through a computer, connect a headset, and start working. Then you receive a monthly invoice that doesn’t fluctuate based on usage.

Reconfigurations Are in Your Control

One advantage of cloud-based contact center software is that you control the software in terms of features and users. Your admin will have a control panel that allows them to make changes for scaling, management, or change user permissions. You don’t have to contact your provider and wait for them to address a ticket.

Your Agents Can Work from Wherever

As a result of the pandemic, businesses moved employees home to work. For those with cloud-based systems, their agents were able to keep providing service without barriers. Now, many companies are transitioning to a hybrid workforce model, where some workers are in the office while others stay remote.

It doesn’t matter where your agents are; they have access to the software and the same user experience.

This mobility also gives you another advantage. You can recruit new staff from anywhere, not just your greater metro area. Hiring and retaining good agents can be challenging. With the cloud, they have more flexibility, which most employees value.

The Cloud Is Reliable with Very Little Downtime

Reliability is another pro for the cloud. The difference is that with on-premises, your infrastructure’s weaknesses can cause latency or interruptions in service. Additionally, you could suffer significant downtime from a natural disaster or security incident without backup or redundancy.

With the cloud, your call experience will be consistent, and you’ll have redundancy. Hence, the loss of data or service is easily recoverable.

Multi-Layered Security

Many have apprehension about the cloud regarding security. The cloud is secure. How secure depends on your provider and their cybersecurity posture. With the right provider, you can have confidence, as they’ll have rigid security protocols and layers of protection for the application and your data.

More Modern Features

If comparing cloud-based and on-premises contact center platforms, the former typically has a broader range of features for modern workflows. Most cloud options offer:

  • Smart routing: You can customize call flows and request information from the caller to better route the call to the agents with the skillsets to handle them.
  • Omnichannel coverage: A cloud solution integrates all channels that customers might engage you, including voice, chat, and email. Your agents will be able to respond to all within one solution.
  • Insightful analytics: Contact center software is much more than just routing calls. You also have access to reporting and metrics that provide you with business intelligence. Take these actionable insights and optimize your operations.

The Cons of the Cloud

So, are there any drawbacks to using the cloud? Nothing’s perfect, so here are some things to consider.

  • Bandwidth: If most of your contact center agents are in the office and not remote, you may need to boost your internet connection through your provider and put in high-quality routers.
  • Concerns of loss of control: Your business may hesitate to move to the cloud because it’s outside their control. Your IT team won’t be managing the solution, so that’s a paradigm shift that has to occur to feel comfortable in adopting the cloud.
  • Lack of support: This third con isn’t universal. It certainly depends on your provider. Some will give you the software, and that’s it. Even though you can do many things yourself with a cloud deployment, you’ll still need support.

Cloud Contact Center Solutions Drive Optimal Operations

Looking at the pros and cons of the cloud, you can see there are more advantages than disadvantages. Consider these points when looking for your next software.

Learn more by reading our guide on choosing the best contact center software.

The Intermedia Team

Intermedia helps businesses of all sizes connect better – through voice, video conferencing, chat, contact center, business email and productivity, file sharing and backup, security, archiving, and more – from wherever, whenever. And, as a partner-first company, Intermedia goes to work for our channel partners to help them grow their revenue and maximize their success.

January 10, 2022

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