Webinar Marketing: 6 Best Practices to Put You Ahead of the Pack

August 9, 2022

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Webinars can be an impactful marketing tactic. They are excellent for lead generation, nurturing prospects, and showcasing products and services. To achieve these goals, you’ll need to implement webinar marketing strategies. Building these requires following webinar marketing best practices and having the technology to execute.

In this post, we’ll share ways to promote webinars and how platform features can support these initiatives.

Webinar Usage Increases, Drives Great Results for Marketers

Many companies shifted live events during the pandemic to virtual ones, leveraging the webinar channel. A LinkedIn study reported that 67 percent of marketers increased the time and money invested in webinars. Another survey of content marketers revealed that webinars were the top-rated content for producing marketing results.

Organizations can also continue to use these assets to attract and convert customers by making them on-demand. It becomes a tactic that delivers value long after the initial broadcast.

So, how can you improve your webinar marketing strategy to reap these rewards?

Webinar Marketing Best Practices

We’ve curated a list of best practices to help you market your webinar.

Get the Angle Right on the Topic

Whether the webinar’s subject is well-known or trending, webinar marketing starts with the right angle. It needs to be something that your audience cares about and finds challenging.

Identifying the problem then needs to lead to how to solve it. Attendees need takeaways, and this shouldn’t turn into a commercial for your brand. Staying in a position of educating and helping is the best approach. Those solutions can include real-life examples and stories shared by your guests.

Hook Invitees with Inspired Emails

Typically, the main tactic to distribute the invitation is through email to your existing customers and prospects. The email must get them excited about the topic and register for it. Tips for doing this include:

  • Define the value proposition of the content and use that for your subject line and opener.
  • Set expectations with a bullet list with a heading like, “What You’ll Learn.”
  • Introduce hosts and guests and their relevancy and authority on the topic. (Include a link to their LinkedIn profile, too.)
  • Reference any key data that you’ll discuss on the webinar that is attention-grabbing.
  • End with a strong CTA (call to action) that drives urgency like, “Save Your Seat.” (Add a comment that even if they can’t make the day/time of the event, they can still register to receive a copy of the recording.)

Drive Registrations in Multiple Channels

Besides using email marketing to generate registrations, you should consider other channels. Here are some other owned, earned, and paid options.

Owned Channels

  • Feature the webinar on your website’s home page so new and returning visitors see it.
  • Promote your webinar on your social media profiles with a strong image with the title and hosts. Pin it to the top of your profiles until the event date.

Earned Channels

  • Publish a press release about the webinar.
  • Create a media alert about the event for industry trades to report.
  • Mention it on a podcast that an employee may be a guest on if relevant and within the right timeframe.

Paid Channels

  • Launch ads on social media profiles targeted to your ideal audience.
  • Advertise the webinar on industry publications as display ads or through their newsletters.

Not every webinar will fit every channel. It will depend on your audience, topic, and budget. Having a diverse channel mix can deliver great registration results.

Design a Conversion-Focused Registration Page

You have their interest, and they’ve landed on your registration page. Now you need to keep that going so they’ll sign up to attend. Focus on conversion design attributes. Give them enough information so they can make a decision on if the content would be beneficial. Highlight those same things from email copy (e.g., what they’ll learn, host bios, CTAs).

Ensure that the registration form isn’t too long. You only need their name, email address, and company. Look to other design best practices you’ve used prior that saw high conversions.

Manage Channel Execution Based on Engagement

A lot of data exists about the ideal times to email customers, post on social media, or other engagements. Look to your data about days and times with the best results and follow those.

Keep Marketing After the Live Event

As noted, webinars can keep producing results when converted to on-demand. You can promote these in the same channels you did for the live event. You can extend them further by developing content from the Q&As, including those answered and those you didn’t get to before the end of the hour.

Webinar Marketing and the Right Platform

By using these best practices to market your webinar, you should acquire lots of registrations. Having the right webinar features is critical to ensure your efforts lead to a great experience. You’ll want to seek out a platform with:

  • Invitation, registration, and reminder tools in one space, allowing you to create the landing page and emails in one spot
  • Engagement functionality (real-time polls, live Q&A, chat)
  • Robust reporting on attendance and engagement
  • Cloud recording that’s easy to export
  • Custom branding options for the digital space
  • HD video broadcasting for the best quality

With these features, webinar marketing is easier. Learn more about Intermedia AnyMeeting — a platform that marketers will love.

The Intermedia Team

Intermedia helps businesses of all sizes connect better – through voice, video conferencing, chat, contact center, business email and productivity, file sharing and backup, security, archiving, and more – from wherever, whenever. And, as a partner-first company, Intermedia goes to work for our channel partners to help them grow their revenue and maximize their success.

August 9, 2022

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