Modernizing Without Compromising Relationships

July 26, 2023

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As businesses continue to embrace digital transformation, the demand for cloud communications solutions has skyrocketed, prompting many partners and resellers to reevaluate their sales strategies. Intermedia’s Patrick Sheehan spoke with UC Today’s Editor in Chief, David Dungay, and explored the multiple ways partners can modernize their businesses without sacrificing valuable customer relationships to cloud providers.

Choosing the Reseller Route: Maintaining Ownership and Value

In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud communications, businesses have faced a critical decision: whether to adopt a direct agent model or embrace the reseller approach. Many partners initially considered the agent model, as they perceived it to be their only option. However, this model came with significant drawbacks, as it meant giving up ownership of the customer relationship and relying on commissions, which ultimately diluted the value of their business. Partners realized that a reseller model offered a more sustainable and lucrative alternative.

The Power of Recurring Revenue: Reseller Model Advantages

Sheehan highlighted the reseller model’s advantages, particularly the consistent monthly recurring revenue (MRR) it provides. Compared to a commission-based revenue stream, top line MRR creates 15 times more business value for partners and grows five times faster with every additional customer sold to. As the cloud communications market continues to expand rapidly, with the majority of SMB customers opting for cloud solutions, partners have a golden opportunity to capitalize on this trend and adapt their business strategies accordingly.

Intermedia’s Unique Differentiators: A Comprehensive Platform

Intermedia stands out from the competition by delivering a unified platform that combines Unified Communication (UC) and omni-channel Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) capabilities. Unlike many providers that offer separate solutions, Intermedia’s comprehensive platform allows partners to differentiate themselves and offer leading-edge technologies to the market. The single application for customers further simplifies the integration of contact center capabilities into businesses of all sizes.

White Labeling and Operational Efficiency: Addressing Partners’ Concerns

Sheehan addressed concerns around white labeling, acknowledging that some partners may have been hesitant due to challenges related to regulations, taxes, and staffing costs. Intermedia addresses these issues, providing a seamless and cost-effective white-labeling experience for its partners. Additionally, Intermedia’s quick certification process, free within a day, eliminates lengthy certification requirements and facilitates a smooth entry into the cloud communications market.

Operational efficiency plays a crucial role for partners, and Intermedia excels in this aspect. By assisting with tax and regulatory matters, offering user-friendly portals, and providing access to marketing automation platforms, Intermedia empowers partners to operate efficiently, protect their margins, and deliver exceptional customer service.

As cloud communications continue to reshape the business landscape, partners and resellers must carefully choose the path that aligns with their values and goals. Intermedia’s VP of Channel Development and Distribution, Patrick Sheehan, shed light on the reseller model’s immense benefits, providing partners with unmatched opportunities to thrive and grow in the rapidly expanding cloud communications market. By focusing on the customer relationship, embracing operational efficiency, and leveraging Intermedia’s comprehensive platform, partners can modernize their businesses while retaining the essence of personalized and reliable service that sets them apart from the competition. To learn more about Intermedia’s Customer Ownership Reseller (CORE) model, visit:

Mariel Santos

Mariel Santos is the Director of Marketing Communications at Intermedia

July 26, 2023

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