10 Reasons You Need a Cloud Call Center

Many people picture a call center as a stuffy room full of cubicles with agents and representatives frantically fielding customer queries. However, the modern cloud call center has dramatically improved what your business can do with customer support.

Cloud call center software provides you with a customer support platform that reduces common challenges to improve employee efficiency and customer satisfaction. That’s why the market looks to triple between 2022 and 2027.

Why should you move your help desk or outbound sales to a cloud call center setup now? Check out 10 of the best reasons.

Cloud-Based Contact Center Market Overview

Key Takeaways:

  • Cloud call centers save more money than on-premise systems and greatly improve the customer experience.
  • Cloud call centers are more flexible for remote work and are easy to install.
  • Powerful integrations, analytics, and automated features allow you to boost your productivity and scale rapidly.
  • Cloud call centers are easy to use, reliable, and secure.
  • An industry-leading provider such as Intermedia backs your cloud call center with world-class technical support.

1. Cloud Call Center Cost Savings 

The expense of hardware, installation, maintenance, technical support, and licenses make traditional call centers an expensive proposition. Your cloud call center only requires an internet connection, a computer, and a headset for a lower total cost of ownership.

What’s also excellent is that the quality of calls is just as good if not better than an on-premise system. In fact, IP phone calling allows for high-definition voice calls that far outperform landlines.

2. Enhanced Customer Experience

A cloud call center also allows you to support your customers better, leading to smoother interactions. In turn, satisfied customers generate more revenue through repeat purchases and upsells.

Remember that people will likely only reach out to you by phone once they’ve exhausted other channels, such as online help articles and automated chat. If they have to deal with long hold times or can’t get practical help, they’ll turn to your competitors. Earn loyalty with a well-run cloud call center.

3. Flexibility for Managing Multiple Locations

Traditional call centers tie your team to a single spot, and connecting separate branches can be complex and costly. Your sophisticated cloud call center software easily links your team across locations, but to your callers, it will seem as if you’re all together in the same office.

Managing your team across locations is simple as well. Monitor, whisper, and barge functions allow supervisors to guide and assist agents as if they were right by their side.

4. Quick Setup

Do you want to wait for months before your call center is active and helping you earn revenue? Of course not! With a cloud call center, your system can be operational before a week has passed. Even if you’re migrating from another provider, the process will be seamless.

As long as your team has internet-connected devices with a headset in a secure location, they can get to work with your cloud call center. Plus, you won’t lose time waiting on upgrades and repairs because your provider is doing it all for you quietly behind the scenes.

5. Productivity-Boosting Integrations

In the past, your call center to the outside world and internal private branch exchange were separate systems that required an extra expense to connect. With Intermedia’s Contact Center, your cloud call center and internal communications are truly unified systems for complete connectivity.

You can also connect business software to your phone service for faster data collection and organization, such as:

  • Customer relationship management software
  • Secure agentless payment programs
  • Electronic health record applications
  • Workforce management software

Cloud call center software integrations let you put your efficiency at an all-time high!

6. Easier Growth and Expansion

Can you expand your team quickly if you get a surprising (but welcome!) surge in customers? Your cloud call center lets you add lines and features immediately so you can meet consumer demand and not miss out on business.

7. Superior Security

As you process and store sensitive client data, such as payment details, you have to be sure that information stays secure. Of course, you also need to safeguard your own proprietary data.

A top-of-the-line cloud call center provider invests considerable resources to ensure data security and protection. SOC 2 auditing and industry compliance provide you with the highest level of defense.

8. Outstanding Reliability

Minutes of downtime can equal thousands of dollars in lost revenue. Intermedia’s cloud call center guarantees you 99.999% uptime, meaning less than 26 seconds of downtime a month. 

9. Real-Time Reporting and Analytics

A remote team doesn’t mean you won’t have complete visibility into your agents’ performance. Industry-leading cloud call center programs provide you with an executive dashboard that displays analytics on your team in real time. You won’t have to wait weeks or months to see how you’re doing and can pivot rapidly for profitability.

10. World-Class Customer Support

To rephrase an ancient Latin expression, “Who supports the support team?” While you’re busy helping clients, you shouldn’t have to fret over technical issues with your cloud call center.

Intermedia’s Contact Center offers 24/7 assistance with short hold times. This award-winning support ensures your communications service performs at its peak.

Get Intermedia’s Exceptional Cloud Call Center Software Today

Fortunately, getting a top-notch cloud call center is easy to do. Schedule a callback with one of our team members to find out which Intermedia Contact Center plan and features are best for you.

The Intermedia Team

Intermedia helps businesses of all sizes connect better – through voice, video conferencing, chat, contact center, business email and productivity, file sharing and backup, security, archiving, and more – from wherever, whenever. And, as a partner-first company, Intermedia goes to work for our channel partners to help them grow their revenue and maximize their success.