How (& Why) To Sell a White Label Phone System

January 26, 2023

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You may have heard about white-label phone systems and wonder what the fuss is about. With so many trends in technology, determining what is a fad and what is a legitimate revenue producer can be frustrating. A quick review of white-label communications will show why this is an excellent business and how you can start.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Selling phone systems can generate steady income.
  • Using a white label system allows you to maintain control of your business, protect your customer relationships, and train your team your way.
  • A reliable provider makes getting up and running quick and easy.

Why a White Label Phone System Is Smart Business

A white-label phone system is a cloud-based communications service that managed service providers and other resellers can offer. A communications provider does all the hard work of creating the software and system. You only have to do the branding and marketing. Of course, you can add features and services to stand out in the marketplace.

This setup is an ideal enterprise for making money. Consider seven reasons why.

1. Achieve Higher Margins

A white-label phone system lets you decide your payscale to achieve higher margins than other sales models. You are not captive to a commission-based pay structure that can change at any time. You adjust the prices, deals, and discounts as you see fit.

2. Have Greater Control

You own the product, brand, and customer relationship through white labeling. You can modify the platform and integrate it with other products to meet the needs of clients in your niche. You also have domain over advertising, billing, and customer support, presenting the exact image you desire.

3. Maintain Your Customers

Since you own the customer relationship, you don’t have to worry about sending customers to other vendors who have ties to competitors or become competitors themselves. As the product succeeds, your brand identity flourishes. You can become your customers’ primary resource for IT needs.

4. Train Your Team Your Way

Control of your branding, marketing, and sales mean you use your own sales playbook with white label services. When selling someone else’s product, you may always have tension between blending multiple messages. Product ownership in a white-label phone system means you dictate the narrative.

5. Get Quick Service and Better Support

A stellar partner offers access to white-label IT support to assist your clients. You can choose to bring on your own support staff if you prefer. However, you always have access to a help desk and onsite support technicians from the provider while you expand.

You also don’t have to invest excessive time and go through the growing pains of making mistakes with new support agents. Third-party support is there with experienced team members to resolve issues. You can also offer 24/7 access to support, which is a top selling point.

6. Add More Value for Your Customers

Since you don’t have to dedicate time to building a platform, you can bring other services to customers that add value to your white-label phone system. Additional software as a service, cloud computing features, and extra support options make you stand out from the crowd and provide an exclusive offering for which customers may be willing to pay more.

Mariel Santos

Mariel Santos is the Director of Marketing Communications at Intermedia

January 26, 2023

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