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View post: How (and Why) to Create an Effective Communication Plan

How (and Why) to Create an Effective Communication Plan

Get tips on how to create an effective communication plan. Having a communication plan is critical for every organization. Find out why.

July 25, 2022

5 mins to read

View post: Help Customers Plan for Ransomware Attacks

Help Customers Plan for Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware attacks are a threat all businesses face. As an IT provider, are you doing enough to help your customers keep their data safe?

April 8, 2022

5 mins to read

View post: What’s the Best Cloud Storage for Business?

What’s the Best Cloud Storage for Business?

Cloud usage is a critical technology strategy for companies. Cloud storage for business presents many advantages. Find out which is the best for you.

February 20, 2022

5 mins to read

View post: Intermedia Raises the Bar for Email Security with AI Guardian

Intermedia Raises the Bar for Email Security with AI Guardian

With cyberattacks up 700% last year1, having the right email protection in place is crucial to protecting your business against increasingly more sophisticated BEC attempts.

July 1, 2021

4 mins to read

View post: Why Add Cloud Backup — Now More Than Ever

Why Add Cloud Backup — Now More Than Ever

Intermedia Backup for Microsoft 365 is a flexible, agile, and reliable solution that offers comprehensive data protection across the full Microsoft 365 tenant

February 16, 2021

5 mins to read

View post: FBI warns about new attacks targeting new hires and remote workers

FBI warns about new attacks targeting new hires and remote workers

Intermedia discourages our employees and new hires from posting announcements on social media that could make them a target, and we suggest you do the same and make them aware of this potential threat.

October 5, 2020

1 min to read

View post: Are Your Emails HIPAA Compliant?

Are Your Emails HIPAA Compliant?

Ideally, your email exchange provider will offer a portfolio of communication tools. Integrating all your communications and file sharing into one HIPAA compliant environment makes things less cumbersome for you.

August 19, 2020

4 mins to read

View post: Video Conferencing Security Best Practices

Video Conferencing Security Best Practices

Here at Intermedia AnyMeeting, we’re dedicated to providing users with a safe and secure video conferencing experience from their office, home, and anywhere in between. Read this blog to learn how to keep your meetings secure.

April 10, 2020

4 mins to read

View post: Cloud Solutions: Cloud Backup vs. Cloud Storage vs. Cloud Synching

Cloud Solutions: Cloud Backup vs. Cloud Storage vs. Cloud Synching

The Cloud simply offers too many advantages to small businesses and large enterprises alike not to use it. But, the reality is that making the digital leap to cloud solutions can get a little messy. There are so many different ways to approach the Cloud, from simple moves like adopting a cloud sharing service to taking a hybrid approach to the Cloud or using a fully integrated solution.

October 22, 2019

5 mins to read

View post: Intermedia: Top Hosted IP Telephony Provider

Intermedia: Top Hosted IP Telephony Provider

Intermedia’s new service for Unite customers, Spam Caller Protection, includes sophisticated detection tools which sniff out calls originated by autodialers, and recognizes known spammers and scammers.

July 18, 2019

4 mins to read