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View post: Your Guide to Healthcare Data Archiving Solutions

Your Guide to Healthcare Data Archiving Solutions

Find out how healthcare data archiving solutions can make accessing and working with electronic health records much more intuitive for medical practitioners.

April 30, 2024

5 mins to read

View post: Intermedia’s 2023 Awards Recap: A Year of Excellence and Recognition

Intermedia’s 2023 Awards Recap: A Year of Excellence and Recognition

As we welcome the new year, Intermedia takes immense pride in reflecting on the over 30 prestigious awards and accolades that have shaped our journey. The recognition garnered across various […]

January 31, 2024

4 mins to read

View post: Double Recognition for Intermedia COO McCormick

Double Recognition for Intermedia COO McCormick

As businesses adopt UC platforms to improve collaboration and productivity, important conversations and interactions take place across a myriad of communication channels such as chat, SMS, […]

April 14, 2023

3 mins to read

View post: Intermedia Archiving: Enhance Productivity

Intermedia Archiving: Enhance Productivity

Intermedia is excited to introduce Intermedia Archiving, a data retention solution available to Intermedia customers that makes it fast and easy to find important communications when you […]

April 3, 2023

3 mins to read

View post: How Does Email Archiving Work?

How Does Email Archiving Work?

Email is likely a critical communication channel for your business, both internally and externally. However, you may have concerns about security, accessibility, and storage. The best […]

September 29, 2021

6 mins to read

View post: Email Archiving Features for Digital Age

Email Archiving Features for Digital Age

In the digital era, email archiving is an important function for all businesses. And for those in highly regulated industries with strict compliance requirements, it’s vital. Potentially sensitive data has to be securely stored.

February 23, 2021

5 mins to read

View post: Why Use Secure Email Archiving

Why Use Secure Email Archiving

Secure email archiving is a smart move for any business. It offers a host of benefits that allows you to meet compliance regulations and retain important data without increasing email bandwidth, as well as saving you money, bringing you peace of mind, and streamlining email management. Without secure email archiving, you’re likely eventually to find yourself in a predicament that could be costly.

December 24, 2019

4 mins to read